O governo canadense anunciou mudanças importantes no sistema de imigração Express Entry, introduzindo novas categorias ocupacionais e atualizando a lista de profissões elegíveis. Essas alterações foram implementadas para alinhar melhor a imigração com as demandas do mercado de trabalho e as prioridades econômicas do país.
O Express Entry agora prioriza candidatos com experiência em áreas estratégicas, aumentando as chances de profissionais qualificados serem convidados a imigrar para o Canadá.
A seguir, confira as categorias atuais e todas as ocupações que fazem parte desse novo formato:
1. Categoria de Healthcare & Social Services
Profissionais essenciais para o setor de saúde e assistência social no Canadá.
- Animal health technologists and veterinary technicians (32104)
- Audiologists and speech-language pathologists (31112)
- Cardiology technologists and electrophysiological diagnostic technologists (32123)
- Chiropractors (31201)
- Dental hygienists and dental therapists (32111)
- Dentists (31110)
- Dieticians and nutritionists (31121)
- General practitioners and family physicians (31102)
- Licensed practical nurses (32101)
- Massage therapists (32201)
- Medical laboratory assistants and related technical occupations (33101)
- Medical laboratory technologists (32120)
- Medical radiation technologists (32121)
- Medical sonographers (32122)
- Nurse aides, orderlies, and patient service associates (33102)
- Nurse practitioners (31302)
- Nursing coordinators and supervisors (31300)
- Occupational therapists (31203)
- Optometrists (31111)
- Other medical technologists and technicians (32129)
- Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating (31209)
- Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment (32109)
- Paramedical occupations (32102)
- Pharmacists (31120)
- Pharmacy technical assistants and pharmacy assistants (33103)
- Pharmacy technicians (32124)
- Physician assistants, midwives, and allied health professionals (31303)
- Physiotherapists (31202)
- Psychologists (31200)
- Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses (31301)
- Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists, and cardiopulmonary technologists (32103)
- Social and community service workers (42201)
- Social workers (41300)
- Specialists in clinical and laboratory medicine (31100)
- Specialists in surgery (31101)
- Therapists in counselling and related specialized therapies (41301)
- Veterinarians (31103)
2. Categoria de Science, Tecnology, Engineering and Math (STEM)
Profissões voltadas para inovação, pesquisa e desenvolvimento tecnológico.
- Architecture and science managers (20011)
- Civil engineering technologists and technicians (22300)
- Civil engineers (21300)
- Cybersecurity specialists (21220)
- Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians (22310)
- Electrical and electronics engineers (21310)
- Geological engineers (21331)
- Industrial and manufacturing engineers (21321)
- Insurance agents and brokers (63100)
- Mechanical engineering technologists and technicians (22301)
- Mechanical engineers (21301)
3. Categoria de Trade
Focada em profissionais do setor de construção e serviços técnicos especializados.
- Contractors and supervisors, oil and gas drilling and services (82021)
- Floor covering installers (73113)
- Painters and decorators (except interior decorators) (73112)
- Roofers and shinglers (73110)
- Concrete finishers (73100)
- Other technical trades and related occupations (72999)
- Water well drillers (72501)
- Electrical mechanics (72422)
- Heating, refrigeration, and air conditioning mechanics (72402)
- Heavy-duty equipment mechanics (72401)
- Construction millwrights and industrial mechanics (72400)
- Bricklayers (72320)
- Cabinetmakers (72311)
- Carpenters (72310)
- Gas fitters (72302)
- Plumbers (72300)
- Industrial electricians (72201)
- Electricians (except industrial and power system) (72200)
- Welders and related machine operators (72106)
- Sheet metal workers (72102)
- Machinists and machining and tooling inspectors (72100)
- Home building and renovation managers (70011)
- Construction managers (70010)
- Cooks (63200)
- Construction estimators (22303)
4. Categoria de Agriculture & Agri-food
Abrange trabalhadores essenciais para o setor agrícola e indústria de alimentos.
- Butchers – retail and wholesale (63201)
5. Categoria de Education
Profissionais essenciais para o sistema educacional canadense.
- Elementary and secondary school teacher assistants (43100)
- Instructors of persons with disabilities (42203)
- Early childhood educators and assistants (42202)
- Elementary school and kindergarten teachers (41221)
- Secondary school teachers (41220)
O que essas mudanças significam para quem deseja imigrar?
A atualização das categorias do Express Entry mostra que o Canadá está cada vez mais focado em atrair talentos que possam preencher lacunas no mercado de trabalho. Se sua profissão está na lista acima, você pode ter maiores chances de obter um convite para residência permanente.
Se você tem interesse em obter a residência permanente no Canadá, é essencial se manter atualizado sobre as regras do Express Entry e se preparar para atender aos requisitos exigidos.
Ficou com dúvidas? Envie um email para contact@evisaimmigration.com para saber mais sobre as oportunidades de imigração para o seu perfil. Fale com a e-Visa :)